Due to the economic crunch, it may seem harder than ever to send your children to private schools. I would like to dedicate this mini-article on showing students and parents what they need to do in order to get into one of the excellent Specialized Public High Schools in New York City. Please feel free to contact us at 1800- 631 – 1757 Website: www.KwellerPrep.com Article by Frances Kweller, Founder of Kweller Prep Tutoring
Q: What are the Specialized High Schools in New York City?
A: Stuyvesant HS, Bronx High School of Science, Brooklyn Technical School, Queens HS for the Sciences at York College, LaGuardia HS of Music & Art & Performing Arts..
Q: How does my child get in to a Specialized High School?
A: All students must take an exam, the SHSAT, which stands for Specialized High School Admissions Test. La Guardia requires an audition.
Q: What is tested on the SHSAT?
A: English and Math. Specifically: Reading comprehension, logical reasoning, unscrambling paragraphs, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.
Q: When is the SHSAT test given?
A: October 28, 2012 for 8th Graders. November 6th 2012 for 9th graders. For 9th Grade Sabbath observers, the test is held in Brooklyn Technical High School only. A letter of proof by a Rabbi must be presented as evidence to allow your child to test on a Sunday.
Q: Can I just walk in to take the test?
A: No. You must have an admission ticket, ordered before, to test. You cannot take the test without a ticket.
Q: How many months in advance should my child prepare for the SHSAT?
A: Depending on your child’s level, we recommend 3 to 6 months of preparation. This can be time consuming and costly, but very well worth all the effort. The specialized schools in NYC are among the best in the country, and completely free.
Q. What is the best way to prepare for the test?
A: Kweller Prep. There, students can take multiple proctored practice tests, and work through some of the toughest math and English questions on the SHSAT with an experienced tutor. Yes, you can study on your own, but it is incredibly difficult to do so.