Sunday, November 20, 2011

What if I Could Build a School?

What if I could build a Tutoring Center – but for more than just tutoring? How about a school?

What if I could offer life coaching, and health and wellness? How about stress management while parents and kids navigate the ever so convoluted college and graduate school admission process? What if my tutoring center could create future leaders in America and the world? What if everyone who graduated would make a greater, positive series of contributions to society? What if it was not just a school, but a place to build confidence and grace?

What if my tutoring centers had tutors who not only educators, but also mentors? What if at my school, the teachers and staff really cared about the welfare of every single kid and parent who entered? What if I offered at-home tutoring, but not just tutoring—how about at home mentoring? What if the tutors would show kids how to get organized at home so that they could study well and create a safe space that is clean, clutter, and distraction free? What if I could build insane amount of confidence in these kids, one “tutee” at a time?

Years later, what if 100 or 1000 of these centers existed, and kids would graduate from Kweller Prep? What if the tutors served as mediators between parents and kids as they struggle to find balance and peace during the turbulent teenage years? What if this school had weekly workshops What if I, one person, could revolutionize the education industry? What if I grew so big that colleges and graduate schools would reconsider what criteria they use to decide which kids get into their schools, and which ones get out? What if I made winners out of kids who thought of themselves as losers?

I may be a dreamer, but I also built my first from school from nothing, a credit card loan, and never looked back, because I was tired of the few options and failing school systems around me. I want to create immense change in the tutoring, test prep, and education industry. Kweller Prep is just the first step in that direction. Welcome to my journey, and I hope you enjoy the ride.

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